Our target market segmentation begins here. In the previous entry, we have identified two of our main markets, Asia and the Americas. Now with information displayed below, we are able to begin further dissection of the target market.
Figure 1. Top 10 Countries Most Hit By Natural Disasters in 2005

As presented in Figure 1, the countries most hit by natural disasters are mostly situated in Asia. The number one country with the most occurrences of natural disasters is China, a country which experiences multiple floods each year. An explanation for this occurrence would be that when large cities grow, populations spread along coastlines, flood-prone rivers and fault lines, increasing the likelihood of a potential flood. With water surrounding the area, it will not take long for water borne diseases to set in, thereby increasing the fatality rate. In 2006, China was hit by the worst drought in the last 50 years, causing at least 18 million people did not
have enough access to drinking water.
This leads us to a case study in Bangladesh. Despite preparing themselves for the monsoon season in 2004, 161 residents of Bangladesh died of a water borne disease due to the contaminated water surrounding them. If there was a source of potable water accessible to them, there would not have been so many unnecessary loss of lives.
Also, India which is the second country most hit by natural disasters, mostly flood caused by monsoon season in the last 10 years.
Hence, our target market group is now further segmented to these top 10 countries with our main efforts focused on China and India.